Thursday, April 7, 2011

Something Intelligent.

Since the kids are being... well. Kids. I figured maybe I should come in and give a real update.

As you all may know. Aiden's parents passed away. They died in a house fire that was set by It. Or that's our guess anyways.

Dean and Candice are now living with us. I took them out to get some clothes today as well as other necessities since everything that they had was destroyed in the fire. We've got them settled in their rooms and we've got the sign up process halfway done for their school. They'll be transferring to a school up here. Living with us.

The good thing is that the three of them, despite always teasing each other, have always been close. I don't know what would have happened if they didn't have each other.

Well, right now one of them wouldn't be locked in their room and the others wouldn't be pleading and asking for to forgive them and come out.

Only when he's around his siblings does Aiden devolve in IQ and get younger.

Course this is also how I know he's 'normal' or as normal as can be.

My family may be odd. But I love them.

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